Custom furniture fabrication

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Quality custom-made furniture for homes and offices in Singapore

Kepha Design & Contracts’ custom furniture for office and home projects present a golden opportunity to make your business or house unique.

Customised furniture is for people who really want to stand out from the crowd. You can harness the exclusivity of the powerful design potential of custom-made furniture to reflect, not just your tastes and work ethos or lifestyle, but also your individuality.

Although bespoke furniture is costlier than mass-produced furniture, it can be a shrewd investment.

Our custom furniture comes with an assurance of the high level of quality craftsmanship, unlike ready-made furniture, which is commonly made from low-cost materials and assembled on a production line. The skill, time, and effort that goes into creating custom furniture makes it costly but also guarantees it’ll stand the test of time much better than cheaply-made, mass-produced furniture.

How our customised furniture and cabinetry works can boost the value of your property

If you decide to sell your home, you’ll want it to be as attractive as possible to would-be buyers, to maximise its value. Although a kitchen renovation or a bathroom remodel may seem an obvious choice to make your home worth more, the installation of custom-made furniture is a less-expensive solution that can still pay off in spades.

  • Custom furniture makes the best use of available space. Many houses, particularly older ones, contain walls that stick out or ceilings that slant, which can make it difficult to slot in free-standing furniture. Because custom furniture is designed especially for your home, it eliminates dead space. A custom or fitted furniture solution will ensure every inch of space is used to its fullest.
  • Improved storage. Storage, whether in the living room, bedroom, home office, or elsewhere, is a big consideration for someone thinking about buying your home. Custom-made furniture and cabinetry work can provide smart solutions that turn dead space into convenient storage areas, keeping your house free of clutter.
  • Opulent style with no maintenance costs. Hi-spec customised furniture lasts for decades, adds a feel of luxurious elegance to a room and costs nothing to maintain. If you might be considering putting your home on the market some time further down the line, plump for classically-stylish designs – as opposed to outlandish concepts – to appeal to a wider range of tastes.
  • Make the most of what you have. You’re paying, or have paid, for every inch of your house, so make the most of it. Is there a space where a spot of cabinetry work would come in handy, or a customised walk-in wardrobe, or en-suite? Convert unused space into something useful that will give your home the edge over others, making it more desirable to potential buyers.

Seeking a renovation contractor you can trust?
Our customer testimonials are proof we're reliable.

Custom home furniture

With Kepha Design & Contracts’ custom-made furniture, you can get exactly what you want in terms of design, materials, and colour, tailor-made to satisfy your specific needs and wishes, so you can integrate your distinct style into the rest of the decor in your home. Compromise just doesn’t enter the equation.

Once you’ve come up with a vision of how you want your room to look, our experienced professional interior designer will be able to further inspire you and fine-tune your ideas. We’ll ensure your custom-built furniture fits the overall décor of the room, even matches its door and door frame design.

This paves the way for our professionals in furnishing installation to make your dream come true.

Custom-made office furniture

Why Kepha Design & Contracts’ business clients install custom furniture:

  • For businesses, using customised office furniture will create a wow factor that will have a long-lasting impression on visiting clients, reinforcing your company culture/brand identity and professionalism. You can even have your company name/logo embossed on your furniture.
  • Custom-made furniture in an office can also have a highly-motivational effect on your staff, providing a commercial environment they’ll actually enjoy working in.
  • A further advantage of custom-made office furniture is its ability to create uniformity. In a large office particularly, it’s important to have furnishings that generate a feeling of consistency, an aesthetic achievement impossible with mass-produced furnishings and fittings.
  • Custom-built furniture in the office can also be extremely functional, utilising every nook and cranny of available space; if there isn’t room for a big desk, for instance, a custom-made work station can be built into a corner.

However, when the lease of a rented property expires and reinstatement works need to be carried out, businesses may have to fork out a little more money to dismantle and dispose the fitted furniture.

Looking for a renovation contractor who's
discerning about workmanship, yet budget conscious?
You've come to the right place.

Why engage
Kepha Design & Contracts

We take ownership of our actions by taking responsibility.

Kepha Design & Contracts in Singapore can, as the name implies, offer you the best of both worlds when it comes to custom made furniture.

Our skilled interior designers will communicate closely with you to come up with a plan of action that will enable our experienced craftspeople to carry out the installation in a manner that turns your custom made furniture vision into reality.

We’ll offer guidance on financial planning and monitor the installation process to ensure your project comes in on budget.

As professionals in both residential and commercial renovation services, Kepha Design & Contracts provides a one-stop shop for design and installation of custom home furniture, custom made office furniture, and cabinetry work.

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Contact us in any one of these 3 ways, and we'll respond to you within 3 working days.

+65 6428 6228


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Kepha Design & Contracts

10 Admiralty Street
#06-60 North Link Building
Singapore 757695

+65 6428 6228


HDB Reg No. HB-07-3400C

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