Office renovation

Honesty as our guiding principle,

20+ years of rock-solid reputation.


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Experienced office renovation services in Singapore

The expert office renovation services of Kepha Design & Contracts will make it hassle-free for a company seeking to revamp their workplace.

Whether your firm is focused on sales or client services, a redesign of your office can help advance your business by creating the ideal environment to increase the productivity and motivation of your staff, which, in turn, can lead to more sales and a higher level of customer satisfaction.

We are a financial technology company, so when it comes to office layout, we pay special attention to details like 24/7 security access control, a thermal and soundproof regulated server room, non-hazardous hardware storage, and a cosy environment for our engineers and programmers to work in.

It wasn’t an easy project as we wanted an office that’s aesthetically pleasing and practical, yet cost-saving.

Kepha Design and Contracts completely understood our needs, and they performed the work on time while adjusting to our budget. They were very reliable and trustworthy.

Definitely two thumbs up and worth the recommendation!


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Services provided by office renovation contractor – Kepha Design & Contracts

We provide customers an end-to-end remodelling solution so that companies can do what they do best – focusing on their core business.

Our services cover:

… and more, depending on what the business may require.

What we recommend clients do during an office space renovation

  • Be clear about what you want your office renovation to accomplish. For instance, is your aim to create more space, adapt an existing area for a new function, install more technology, or update infrastructure systems? Kepha Design & Contracts will work with you to identify your priorities before work begins so as to minimise the duration and cost of your office renovation.
  • Assess your current office space. Before going ahead with your office renovation, we’ll make sure your premises comply with the building codes and requirements of relevant authorities in Singapore.
  • Have a realistic budget. Ensure the cost of your priorities is covered first, and be aware where you can save money if necessary. We advise customers to keep a contingency fund of at least 10% to cover any snags during the renovation.
  • Schedule wisely. An office remodel can interrupt your business operations. If you’re planning a large-scale renovation, it might be best to switch temporarily to alternative premises. However, if you decide to stay put, our experienced project manager will liaise with you to minimise the impact of the project on your business.

Seeking a renovation contractor you can trust?
Our customer testimonials are proof we're reliable.

What we suggest clients with tight office renovation budget do

  • Revise the floor plan. By removing clutter and reviewing the configuration in your office, more space may be created.
  • Adopt an open-plan office. Going open-concept can make a small office space appear bigger. Further, you save on the costs of building partition walls.
  • Recycle and buy used. You could consider purchasing used office chairs and change the fabric to suit the theme of your office remodel.
  • Purchase house furniture. Furniture intended for office use is often costlier than for home use. Nevertheless, lower-priced home furniture doesn’t mean it’s any less sturdy.
  • Get lighting right. The level of lighting doesn’t have to be uniform throughout the office. The illuminance at areas where detailed work needs to be done can be higher than along corridors, for example. Fitting LED lights and making the most of natural light on your premises would further drive down your energy bill.
  • Remodel partially. If, for financial reasons or otherwise, you feel you’re not yet ready for a full office refit, just a few changes can make a world of difference. Installing new flooring or give your walls a fresh lick of paint, for instance, will provide your office space a brand-new look.
  • Sell the unused furniture and office equipment. The money recouped can then be used for your office renovation!

Looking for a renovation contractor who's
discerning about workmanship, yet budget conscious?
You've come to the right place.

Why engage
Kepha Design & Contracts

We take ownership of our actions by taking responsibility.

Guidance from Kepha Design & Contracts, a company providing commercial renovation services, right from the planning stage will be invaluable in making your project run smoothly. We’ll pinpoint potential problems, possible savings, and alternative solutions.

We know just how complicated an office remodel can become, with a broad range of intricate issues to address. We can steer you through the entire renovation process and help you to make the right decisions and cover all the bases to guarantee an outcome that’ll delight you, your staff, and your clients.

In addition, Kepha Design & Contracts provides business customers with a renovation warranty of 6 months so as to ensure them absolute peace of mind.

Get help

Need a cost estimate, or simply have a question to ask?
Contact us in any one of these 3 ways, and we'll respond to you within 3 working days.

+65 6428 6228


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Kepha Design & Contracts

10 Admiralty Street
#06-60 North Link Building
Singapore 757695

+65 6428 6228


HDB Reg No. HB-07-3400C

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